Monday, January 6, 2025

Changing the way you live.

A redistribution of wealth has never meant what most think. I.E., Take from the rich and give to the poor. Use assets to make life better for everyone. Better childhood education, senior revitalization, and middle-class anti-degradation. Legalize what is not legal; trust what is unknown until it is known. Develop the talent of the talented through help in whatever way is needed. Stop the big cash dump on those who have ill feelings for any part of our lives and want to harm us and reinforce those who love us.

The mistake of Darwin

Changing the way you live.   Darin's priorities were that we had come out of the water as a fish and migrated through every species. It's true, but the big mistake was that we were not each species physically, which caused each piece to become like us in mind, emotion, and nature. We adapted to them and them to us through confusion. Eating some along the way. Killing most. We are the pineal gland cells of the planet. We rule with mystery and force. We are now working on the more enormous duplication of organs known to us as nature,  mystery, and catastrophes. We are becoming the whole dam thing out there. We are God. The planet is an old carcass of us. A UFO is our newer state of being in a body that can absorb higher energy levels. We are the Borg taking on Dr.Who.  This is the cause of celebrity hunting, and serial killers need to know the intent. Or need to know about the edges of reality. There are only two things in the universe: Those we have been and are becoming. Size distance belief of knowledge means nothing except fencing in the playing field of a single cause. Deciding what we do gives us the power to find where we are. 

Friday, January 3, 2025

What is needed.

Changing the way you live. A redistribution of wealth has never meant what most think. I.E., Take from the rich and give to the poor. But it used to make life better for everyone. Better childhood education, senior revitalization, and middle-class anti-degradation. Legalize what is not legal, trust what is unknown until it is known, and develop the talent of the talented through help in whatever is needed. Stop the big cash dump on those who have ill feelings and want to harm us and reinforce those who love us.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Meaning of the symbols on the Harris family crest

Changing the way you live.         What does the Harris family crest mean in English?

The Chevron shape symbolizes the historical Harris family home, the importance of home for family members over the years, and the safety it provides. Ermine's background represents purity and a willingness to die rather than soil the family name. 
The motto of the Borinqueneers is "Honor Et Fidelitas," Latin for "Honor and Fidelity." This motto can be found on the Infantries badge and the gold medal gifted to the Borinqueneers for their service.

Changing the way you live.
Changing the way you live.

Discovery for a democracy. Or is the devil in the details?

 The first election for president of the United States was possibly the first and last valid election for this office. We, the people in each area of the developing nation, picked our brightest to go off to a far land to choose from among ourselves our first crop of leaders. They would pick from among themselves those who would pick from among themselves until A proper number was picked and new offices and divisions were created. Like a plane designer decided to ditch the wings for this new thing, the rocket that became a lander and the space shuttle were then developed with the wings back on as needed. What would happen if the farm animals picked their farmer. The plants had a vote, the trees got together, and they chose a leader they decided they thought would best serve them. The chicken roosted, and cocks crowed until they, too, were able to determine their pick. It is not based on the money 3 billion spent to elect Trump, who was going to be elected anyway, being the best possible choice of the two options. That is like making a ten-course feast but only letting the chickens in to eat the grain. The nine others wasted time, money, and meals trashed into the trash piles of waste. In the end, these picked two would figure out how to get to the new capital of Annapolis to decide. It was not left to the later house and the cornbread hustlers, the tavern owners, or the beach Coomer to decide. It was not a wealth discovery or a losing battle at the crap table or the mining fields and the cowpock.

Men of means somehow were not invited, and neither were the religious zealots with crosses to bear. A band of Robin Hood characters with a fat brother would decide the world's fate. Now, mankind has it all messed up again in a way that may be even harder to divide. We must be separated to create a collective drive of competence of a larger self. Take an example of natural nature. Are we all heads and brains, or are we equaled to a composite that a body can function while keeping one's head up straight and able to look forward and sideways and around? A true democracy is not an elected money broker or a pardoned self. If the election in 2020 had been done rightly, then it would have been Trump leaving office now, not the lesser and least of the past elections, Biden. Our nation not have given trillions to those others who have somehow wasted our wealth to wage war on those who are family and friends of some of us. Israel would not have been allowed to ruin the hopes and dreams of all of humanity for a piece of dirt they wanted to take in any forceful way needed.

We should never have allowed NATO to become what NATO feared the most, a totalitarian dictatorship government without a country of their own. Of course, taking over the world would be their only option on the table of the future designer self. We must become a world of self-righteous people, directing our talent and helping outwards toward total humanity. A TOTAL WOULD BE MADE of different parts and pieces and functionality. A head the size of a walruses butt on a squill's body will never do except in the movies. No wars, no hunger, no channel we cannot overcome. But like a man or woman's young and toned body, we need each other to stay healthy and get around without needing a wheelbarrel to haul our heads around in.

No country stands alone. Nations are like organs, all parts of humanity and planet Earth. We do not make friends with poisonous snakes in the grass, but we have the antibiotic in the cabinet if needed. If I were president, I would return to square one and work from there. What was our original idea for what we wanted of the world we were developing? We have lasted our way long enough to know what does not work. So, we now have amassed trillions of dollars of research experience. What do we want in this world that serves us? A future for us all to survive without being lied to trick into false beliefs and the doomsday of false democracy. We want to survive. Have our children survive, and there's. 1. No man stands alone 2. No woman is without a child. A human baby or a creation within life through mind or forethought. 3. Children are the hope of the future of humanity 4. Counties must become whole and join the world as an equal part. The world can decide if they are needed or not. 5. The world must become whole before the waves of deception overpower us once again. 6. The future is bright out there. Do not let humanity turn the lights out.

Belief is more complete than fishing in thought. 7. Humanity is always halfway home. It's a placebo thought known as God- all mighty. 8. Is there God, or is there not. You have to decide for yourself individually. A race to freedom is a race home. Remember to remove your shoes before entering anyone's god house- their home. If you can. 


Changing the way you live.