Friday, February 24, 2017

My final finally.

Changing the way you live. Some people are amassed to see that there was a time when some people lived to several hundred or thousand years old. Or at least claim so. I find this more truth than not. With a difference distinction. They claim all of their lifetimes here cumulatively. Take someone we knew about in modern time; The Dali Lama. He is the continuing Soul of The one currently known as the Dali Lama through several lives and lifetimes. Is now 626 years old. Me I am 10,802 or so. It is I in my Last Incarnation as I. Zoroaster I ask for 20 souls to join here @ the crossroads of America to collectively pressure cook a God encounter. We need a finishing and ending to the past and a forward focus mass movement os Univeral Rights and Possibilities. The playing field of life needs the playground cleared of all broken glass from the past. Now is the time for all to know something collectively. As of 9-15-2017 All those of people class have equal @ birth The right to Air  & Self Idenity. Of equal value globally. Get us to it. Come The Cross Roads of The world.Talk To Reverend Harrison Down at the local Church House for info.